Lesson 50


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The phone is ringing

Doctor: “Dentus” Dental Surgery. How can I help you?

Patient: Good morning. Here’s Iwona Kowalska speaking. I’m one of your patients. I would like to make an appointment for a consultation.

Doctor: Yes, of course. How about next Wednesday at 6 p.m.?

Patient: Yes. It’s great. I will be there next week. See you then!

Doctor: See you!

One week later

Patient: Good evening, Doctor.

Doctor: Good evening. Please have a seat in the chair.

Patient: I am in the third month of pregnancy and I’ve noticed that my gums have been bleeding much recently. They feel as if they were swollen. I have always taken good care of my teeth and I do not want to miss out on anything.

Doctor: Of course. But I have to examine the entire mouth. Not only gums, but also your teeth. Open your mouth wide, please.

After the test

Doctor: The examination shows that there are no teeth that require treatment. Of course, to be absolutely sure we would have to take the bite­‍‑wing picture, through which you can detect decay on contact surfaces, or between the teeth. Because you are in the third month of pregnancy diagnosis of caries on contact surfaces is not an indication for a picture. However, I’ll put it in your chart to refer you for this picture in the near future, if necessary. On the other hand, your gums really bleed. After a light probing, blood appeared in the pocket and it is not a normal situation. Although gums often bleed in pregnant women, and even undergo hypertrophy, it can be prevented by maintaining good oral hygiene. And though, your hygiene level is good, it can certainly be improved.

Patient: But I brush my teeth twice a day!

Doctor: I understand, but the technique of brushing is really important and using additional supplies such as dental floss. Do you use dental floss?

Patient: No, I do not.

Doctor: That’s right. And within the space a lot of plaque accumulates. And how do you brush your teeth?

Patient: Normally, in the circles.

Doctor: And this is incorrect brushing technique. Bring your toothbrush with you, for your next visit. I’ll show you how to brush your teeth and I’ll check if you do it properly. Today I will remove tartar and plaque. There is quite a lot of deposits.

Patient: And is it going to hurt?

Doctor: It should not. I will remove the tartar by hand, and plaque with a brush and pumice stone.

Patient: Well, I put myself in your hands.

Doctor: So let’s get to work.


Complete the pieces of advice with words in brackets. Match questions with answers

1. Can bleeding gums lead to other problems?            _______

2. Are bleeding gums in pregnancy normal? _______

3. When should I call the dentist?                                  _______

4. What can I do to stop my gums bleeding?               _______

5. Will gum disease harm my baby?                              _______


A. (inflamed swell)

Having bleeding, sensitive gums (gingivitis) is common in pregnancy. Pregnancy hormones can cause your gums to 1._________ and become 2. __________, making them bleed more easily when you brush or clean between your teeth.


B. (check up/straight away/care for)

If your gums are bleeding and feel tender, see a dentist 1.__________. You don’t need to wait until your next 2._________ if you’re having a problem.

A dental hygienist should be available to scale and polish your teeth and treat your tender gums. Your dentist can also give you advice about how to 3._________ your teeth.

Remember to tell your dentist that you’re pregnant, so you don’t have an X­‍‑ray unless you urgently need one. If you need a local anaesthetic for dental work at any time during your pregnancy, it’s perfectly safe.


C. (build­‍‑up/damage /tissue)

Untreated gingivitis can lead to periodontitis, which weakens the 1.________ and bone that keep your teeth anchored in your jaw.

You can limit the 2.__________ and prevent periodontitis from getting worse by keeping your teeth and gums clean and visit your dentist regularly for scaling and root planing. This treatment removes tartar 3.__________ and smoothes the base of your teeth.


D. (directly/difficult/general)

If you have gum disease, there’s no clear evidence that it will 1.___________ affect your baby’s health while you are pregnant. But it may mean that your 2.__________ health isn’t as good as it could be. If you are finding it 3.__________ to stay healthy, this can affect the way that your baby grows.


E. (trapped/actually/tender/give up)

Even though it makes your gums bleed, brushing regularly will 1.______ help. Use a soft brush, and choose a toothpaste for sensitive teeth if your gums are 2.________. Don’t forget to brush between your teeth. To reduce plaque build­‍‑up:


– see your dentist regularly,

– brush your teeth for two minutes,

– once in the morning, and last thing at night,

– clean between your teeth at least three times a week to remove plaque and 3._________ food, and to reduce bleeding

– if you smoke, 4. ________ , as smoking makes gum disease worse.


Look at the pieces of advice again. Find synonyms of the following words:

generally met








to increase in size


to influence


 dental visit


in fact


to make sth shiny




if not


to confine




to quit


to hold in place


to eliminate



Lesson 50 answers Lesson 50 answers